by triciacarrcharm | Aug 25, 2019 | Blog, Catharis, Domestic Violence, God, Healing, Hypnotherapy, Inner Child Healing, Inner Peace, Psychic, Transformation
In an instant, vacuum sucks the air out of the world.
I’m only six, so what I know about vacuum is the off-brand Hoover machine that my mother pushes around to make satisfying lines in the carpet. Alongside her, I push my off-brand Mattel toy that makes satisfying popcorn sounds as it sucks and blows little colorful balls housed in a plastic dome.
by Olivia Rae | Apr 20, 2019 | Charmed Life Show, Hypnotherapy, life purpose, Show Notes, universal laws
Hypnotherapist, Desi Ivanova | The Theory of Mind + Relationship Dynamics In this episode of Charmed Life, Tricia Carr welcomes Hypnotherapist, Desi Ivanova. Join as your hosts discuss how hypnosis works and the theory of mind and the theory Additionally, Desi...