Intuitive Abilities Psychic Development courses are staring August 4. Level Two is August 18th!

August 18, 2024, from 10am – 2pm Pacific Time
August 25, 2024 from 10am – 12pm Pacific Time.
Or join both for $100 off:

Think of it like a spiritual retreat

Quenching a soul thirst within you…

Spirit told me that some people are deeply thirsty from the space of the soul.

I know that feeling.
August intends to provide that talk drink of spiritual inspiration and empowerment.

Yes, these are courses. They are experiential, meaning you will be having spiritual experiences.

They are educational, immersing us in the depths of wisdom and spiritual intelligence.

The compassionate community will give a refreshed and renewed sense of being a spirit having a physical experience!

[The namaste will be off the charts! 😆]
And these days in August will be interactive. Bring your questions, your celebrations, your vulnerability, your passion to love others, and your curiosity about how amazing your are!

I have furnished the student portal with bonus content so that you can start NOW preparing and getting deeply intentional! This is legacy content of these courses, just from last year!
Join now to start your expansion with the free gift of training!

Intuitive Abilities Psychic Development courses are staring August 4.

These live courses will be relevant to our swiftly shifting energy climate…. calibrated to YOU and Now.

If you resonate with…

→ struggling to find clarity in your mission
→ feeling overwhelmed, doubt your spiritual abilities
→struggling with ascension symptoms
Then this is calling you.
Bring your beautiful energy to:
Intuitive Psychic Development Level 1
August 4, 2024 from 10am to 5pm PT
August 11, 2024 from 10am to 12pm PT
August 18, 2024, from 10am – 2pm Pacific Time
August 25, 2024 from 10am – 12pm Pacific Time.
These courses are included with the Astral Mastery program AND, there is an early bird on that course NOW.
The early bird pricing of Astral Mastery expires on July 21st!
Super affordable, power-packed programs with payment plans for all the things, click through to see the options 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Get it ALL as a founding member of Astral Mastery HERE.
Read the full curriculum of Astral Mastery, The Ultimate Intuitive Expansion program.

Love and blessings,
Tricia Carr, CHt, BMSc.


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