When we are young, we learn how to brush our teeth, take a bath, move our bodies, and eat our vegetables. I don’t know about you, but I did not receive the same tutelage for maintaining cleanliness and fitness for my emotional body as I did for my physical body. I...
Tarot, Astrology + The Journey Within | Christina Lanae, The Blonde Priestess On this episode of Charmed Life, Tricia Carr welcomes Christina Lanae, the vibrant personality behind The Blonde Priestess. Also, Olivia Rae of Intuition Knows Best joins the broadcast with...
Tricia Carr is a Healing Artist in Los Angeles, CA. Drawing upon gifts as an animal and nature communicator, medium and energy healer, Tricia works remotely with people and animals all over the world providing online classes and one-on-one sessions. Check out her weekly live, online TV talk show, Charmed Life with Tricia Carr.